The content of this article applies to our web app.
To manage existing users in Yokoy, go to the HR section and click on the User management tab.
Now, click on the user you would like to edit. A new window opens where the following fields can be changed:
First name: First name of the user
Last name: Last name of the user
Email: Business email address of the user
Employee account (ERP): The account in the ERP system on which you want to book the privately paid expenses. This can be a vendor account if your company has decided to book the expenses on Accounts Payable or a transit account if it is booked on the General Ledger.
Language - date format: Choose between the available language settings. The language is used for the welcome email and can be changed by the user themselves later on.
My assistant (optional): Appoint an assistant to the user, if applicable. The assistant will be able to manage the user’s expenses from their account. The user can also define the assistant themselves in My profile.
Currency (optional): The user's standard expense currency (this is only relevant when you export the bookings based on the user currency – other options are company currency and original expense currency).
Office address (optional): Enter the user’s office address (this address will be used as a default departure location for trip and mileage expenses)
Disable all notifications: When disabling notifications you won't be able to remind this user about open tasks
Policy (only visible when policies are activated and set up in the Admin menu): Depending on your company, specific policies can be defined for different users. Here you can choose a policy that applies to the new user.
Cost object(s) (optional): Choose the default cost object for the user. This is used for the expenses to prepopulate the cost object field and can be changed by the user for every expense. You can also leave this field empty, after the first submitted expense of a user this field will be filled automatically with the cost object from the submitted expense.
Depending on the approval strategy your company follows, different fields are available to manage users.
Line manager approval strategy
If you company follows a line manager approval strategy, the following fields appear in addition:
Line manager: Choose the user's line manager
Approval limit: Set an approval limit for the user (if an expense exceeded the approval limit, the expense requires approval by the line manager)
Line manager delegate (optional): Choose a delegate for the user‘s line manager, if necessary. Alternatively, under My profile, a line manager can choose a delegate themselves
My profile: Line manager delegate:
Cost object approval strategy
If your company follows a cost object approval strategy, no specific fields appear in addition. However, please make sure to set up all required cost objects under Cost objects where you can define the cost object’s approver, an approval limit, and a parent cost object in case an expense exceeded the approval limit of a selected cost object. Under Cost objects, you can also get an overview of each cost object’s approver.
To confirm your changes, click on Save. In addition, under My profile, a user can view the cost allocation settings that apply to them. This includes the user’s line manager, default cost object, and the cost object owner of it.
My profile: Cost allocation settings:
Click on Save to confirm your changes.