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Add new employees to Yokoy

All users who have the HR role can add new users to Yokoy.

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Written by Yokoy Team
Updated this week

🌐 Web | 👤 HR role

You can create, edit, and delete Yokoy users in the HR > User Management menu.

In Company, select the company (legal entity) to which you want to add a new user if your organization‘s account has multiple legal entities set up in Yokoy. If your organization only has one legal entity, you don‘t need to select a company.

You can choose to:

🚧 Caution
Once activated, you cannot delete Yokoy users in the Yokoy app. Users can only be marked as active or inactive for audit purposes. You can only delete users with Draft status.

Add single users

Click + Add user in the top right corner of your screen to add a new user.

In the User profile, you need to fill in the following fields:



First name

First name of the user.

Last name

Last name of the user.


Business email address of the user. The email address must be unique; otherwise, Yokoy creates the user in inactive status.

Employee account (ERP)*

The account in the ERP system on which you want to book the privately paid expenses. This can be a vendor account if your company has decided to book the expenses on Accounts Payable or a transit account if it is booked on the General Ledger.

Language - date format

Choose between the available language settings. The language is used for the welcome email. It can be changed by the user themselves later on.

Currency (optional)

The user's standard expense currency. This is only relevant when you export the bookings based on the user currency.

Office address (optional)

Enter the user’s office address. This address can be used as a default departure location for trip and mileage expenses.

Home address (optional)

Enter the user’s home address. This address will be used as a default departure location for trip and mileage expenses.

Disable all notifications

When disabling notifications, you won't be able to remind this user about open tasks


Activates the Manager view for the user where approval is performed.
This is relevant for custom workflows where there may not be formal line managers for approval.

Policy (only visible when policies are activated and set up in the Admin menu)

Depending on your company, specific employee policies can be defined for different users. Here you can choose a policy that applies to the new user.

Expenses: My assistant / My delegate (optional)

Appoint an assistant to the user, if applicable. The assistant can submit the user’s expenses on their behalf.

If the user is a line manager and the company uses line manager approval, assign a user who can approve expenses on the user's behalf.

The user can also define the assistant and delegate themselves in My profile.

Invoice delegates

Assign a user who can submit invoices (submission delegate) or approve invoices (approval delegate) on behalf of the user.

Cost object(s) (optional)

Choose the default cost object for the user. This is used for the expenses to pre-populate the cost object field and can be changed by the user for every expense. You can also leave this field empty.
After the first submitted expense of a user, the cost object field in the expense form is filled automatically with the cost object from the submitted expense.

✏️ Note

Depending on the approval strategy your company follows (i.e. line manager or cost object), different fields appear when adding new users.

Once you‘ve entered all information, you can choose:

  • Delete: discard the entered information.

  • Save: keep the user and continue entering the missing information at a later point in time. This is useful if you are currently missing information and want to save your changes. The user is saved as Inactive.

  • Activate: if you have entered all the required information for the user and want to create the account.

  • Activate and invite: create the user account and send an invitation email to the user to create a password for their account.

🚧 Caution - SSO authentication

If your company has set up single-sign on for users, you should only click Activate.

Since your company‘s active directory is responsible for managing sign-in and passwords, employees don‘t need to create a specific password for Yokoy. Therefore, the invitation email to create a password is not needed.

If you choose to only activate the user, you can invite them at a later stage by filtering with the status Active at the top of the page, selecting the user, and clicking Invite.

You can view the new user in User management.

Depending on whether you saved, activated, or activated and invited the new user, the new user account may display one of the following statuses:

  • Active: The user is fully set up, activated, and already signed in to Yokoy.

  • Inactive: The user is fully set up, but is either not activated or hasn’t signed in to Yokoy yet. If you deactivate the user at a later stage, they are also displayed as inactive.

  • Draft: The user is not fully set up yet and is still missing some information.

💡 Tip

You can filter by the different statuses at the top of the page.

Line manager approval strategy

If your company follows a line manager approval strategy, the following fields appear in addition:



Line manager

Choose the user's line manager.

My approval limit

Set an approval limit for the user. If an expense exceeds the approval limit, the expense requires an additional approval by the user‘s line manager.

Line manager delegate (optional)

Choose a delegate for the user‘s line manager, if necessary. Alternatively, in My profile, a line manager can choose a delegate themselves.

Auto-approval threshold (optional)

Filling out this field enables automatic approvals for expenses without warnings below the set threshold.

My profile > Line manager settings:

Cost object approval strategy

If your company follows a cost object approval strategy, there are no specific fields in the User profile.

However, make sure to set up all required information in Cost objects. You can define the cost object’s approver, an approval limit, and a parent cost object where an expense exceeds the approval limit of a selected cost object.

In My profile, a user can view the cost allocation settings that apply to them. This includes the user's line manager, default cost object, and the cost object owner.

My profile > Cost allocation settings:

Import users

To import multiple users simultaneously, click Upload file in the top right corner of your screen. The Upload file window pops up where you can download an example CSV file.

✏️ Note - CSV encoding
Yokoy supports CSV files with UTF-8, UTF-16, and ISO/IEC 8859-1:1998 (Latin1) encoding.

Here, you can insert all information by filling out the following cells:




Business email address of the user.
The email address must be unique; otherwise, Yokoy does not create the user.


First name of the user.


Last name of the user.


The account in the ERP system on which you want to book the privately paid expenses. This can be a vendor account if your company has decided to book the expenses on Accounts Payable or a transit account if it is booked on the General Ledger.

language (optional)

Choose between several language settings. The language is used for the welcome email and can then be changed by the user themselves

currency (optional)

The user's standard expense currency. This is only relevant when you export the bookings based on the user currency.


Choose the user's line manager


Set an approval limit for the user's approver

costCenterItems (optional)

Choose the default cost object for the user. This is used for the expenses to pre- populate the cost object field and can be changed by the user for every expense. You can also leave this field empty, after the first submitted expense of a user this field will be filled automatically with the cost object from the submitted expense.

(only applicable when policies are activated and set up)

The ID can be extracted from the employee policy setup (see picture below)

If you company follows a line manager approval strategy, you also need to include:




Email address of the line manager.


Business email address of the line manager's delegate.


Set an approval limit for the user. If an expense exceeds the approval limit, the expense requires an additional approval by the line manager.


Filling out this field enables automatic approvals for expenses without warning below the set threshold.

Select the Company entity you want to apply your changes to and select Standard Yokoy user import as the Document type.

Next, click Choose file to upload your CSV file or use the drag-and-drop function to drag the file directly into the form.

Select the Directly invite new users checkbox if you want to create the account and simultaneously invite the users to Yokoy. The users receive a welcome email to create a password for their account. If this is left unchecked, the user accounts are activated in Yokoy, but the user is not informed. You can send out the invitations at a later stage, if required.

✏️ Note - SSO authentication

If your company has set up single-sign on for users, you don't need to send users an invitation. Your company's active directory is responsible for managing sign-in and passwords.

To import all users, click Start import. You receive a confirmation notification after the import is completed.

✏️ Note

You can import up to 2,000 users at a time. If you file contains more than 2,000, you should split your users into separate files.

After the import you can view the report of your upload in a separate window. The report may indicate the following statuses:

  • Created: New user was created.

  • Updated: Existing user (same email address) was updated with new/additional information.

  • Identical: Yokoy has found an identical user. No action was performed.

  • Error: Something is wrong in the file and the users could not be created. To check the detailed error log, click Download report and open the file.
    For each row, you have the detailed log of what happened and what went wrong in case of an error.

✏️ Note

These statuses are only displayed for accounts that have been imported from the CSV file.

All imported users are displayed in the User management tab.

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